• Six Flags “Mr. Six Comes to Town”

    Mega-parks are great for big vacations, but Mr. Six reminds folks that even a day away from our overscheduled lives at a park like Six Flags is not only fun and invigorating, but is incredibly easy to make happen.

  • Six Flags “PDA”

    Keeping a schedule can be a good thing, but chucking it for a day of fun with a loved one is even better. What better place on earth to fulfill that mission than at Six Flags?

  • Six Flags On Good Morning America

    Mr. Six dances his way into the hearts of Good Morning America viewers.

  • Six Flags “Breaking News”

    You can’t buy publicity like this! Well you could, but it would cost you an estimated $10 million or more! But this FREE news coverage that the “Mr Six” campaign generated for Six Flags, effectively tripled their ad budget!

  • Six Flags “Retirement Home”

    Where do beloved spokespersons go during the off-season? And more importantly, how do they stage a roaring come-back? All is answered in this fun, highly effective Six Flags Spot.

  • Six Flags “Water Wall”

    A refreshingly different take on water park advertising, this award-winning spot leverages Six Flag’s popular spokesperson and theme, “It’s Playtime.”