Terms and Conditions for Use of Industri Site
The use and maintenance of this site is for informational purposes only. You may not reuse or distribute the contents of this site for any commercial purpose, including all content, whether in the form of images, text, audio and/or video without written permission. Any or all of the content of this site may be copyrighted and may not be used for any purpose without written permission. No permission is given and nothing should be construed as granting, by implication or otherwise, any right or license to use any Trademark displayed without written permission. Any misuse of any Trademark is prohibited.
Industri reserves the right to change the content of this site at any time. Additionally, there are no warranties or representations that the information contained on this site is current and not subject to revision.
By and large, the work examples shown on this site were created by John DeCerchio or under his personal direction while employed at ad agencies previous to the formation of Industri.